Website vs Web Application-What’s the difference?
Web applications and websites are both found in abundance on the Internet. Every single site you log onto is either of these.
Wikipedia is a website. Facebook is a web application.
Again CNN is a website. YouTube is a web application.
Although the term “website” has been around for decades, the term “web application” is a relatively new phenomena. With time, however, these two seem to have become synonymous and are used interchangeably on a daily basis.
But are websites and web apps the same?
So let’s discuss about the difference between a website and a web application.
A website is a collection of interlinked web pages, multimedia content, which are typically identified with a common domain name, and published on at least one web server and can be accessed on the Internet using any browser.
When you think of websites, the first thing that comes to your mind should be a basic company marketing website. Interactive elements on a website may include a contact form that you can submit or a map that you can view and move around, but these elements do not make them a web app unless those elements are the website’s primary function.
Finally, websites are built using HTML, CSS and some JavaScript. Databases and back-end programming languages are not necessary.
Types of Websites
- Blogs
- Non-Profit websites
- Portfolio websites
- Corporate websites
- CMS Websites
Other types of websites include entertainment and educational websites, among others.
Examples : My Personal Website, Wikipedia, MSN etc.
Benefits of a website
- Effectively showcase your products or services.
- Create your social proof.
- Branding your products or services.
- Achieve business goals.
- Improve customer support.
- Platform to showcase your work.
- Great marketing channel.
Web Application
A web application is a computer program that utilizes web browsers and web technologies to perform tasks over the internet. Demand for web apps is increasing because they do not require download all you need to do is access the web app through a web browser.
Web applications are built for the sole purpose of user interaction. In a web application, you can read information, but you can also interact with, and manipulate the data on the page. This manipulation can take form in many ways such as an online chat, making a purchase, following a “friend”, or creating an online profile. Sometimes the user interaction is something you need to do such as managing the online store inventory or regularly uploading documents and managing content for your visitors.
Web application also use using HTML, CSS and some JavaScript for front end. It always use databases to store information, and they often require back-end programming languages such as PHP, Ruby and Python.
Types of Web Applications
- E-Commerce app
- Social networking app
- Web portal
Other types of web applications include Online editor app and online convertor app, among others.
Examples : Facebook, Twitter, Google Docs etc.
Benefits of a Web Application
- Do not need to be installed as they run on web browsers.
- Supported by all modern browsers.
- New updates can be released without sending a reminder to users to update the application.
- Easy to maintain as they use the same code in the entire application.
- No compatibility issues.
- Secure and easy to backup.
- More affordable than mobile application development.
Now that you have a clearer understanding of the differences between websites and web applications, it will be easier for you to understand which online solution suits your business needs when choosing between a website and a web app.
If you want your web page to display mostly some information choose a website. If you need interaction with users and additional functionality, such as the ability to make transactions online choose a web application.
Thank you for reading😊
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